Well, that took longer than I thought . . . For the last three weeks, I’ve been updating the site, mostly through trial and error. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m always learning something new.
Now, if you check out apriljasbury@com, you’ll see new additions and upgrades:
- A Paypal “Buy It Now” button to order signed copies of Woman with Crows directly from the author
- A new “Donate” button to help keep the webpage running
- An option to subscribe to my newsletter, so you’ll never miss a blog update again
- A link to the Woman with Crows Amazon listing
- A restructured “Author Schedule”
- A more detailed copyright notice in the footer of every page
- Updated details on “Publications and Presentations”
Please take a minute to check it out. I hope you’ll sign up for the newsletter, too; this month the Author Spotlight will be turned on the legendary George Ella Lyon. You won’t want to miss it!